#BringThemHomeNow and Hobby Shabbat

On February 16th, Hillel hosted it’s first Annual Hobby Night. Hobbies are important, they help us disconnect from the clutter of the world. Some of us like to collect things, others like to make things, even taking care of things like plants. All healthy hobbies are great hobbies! Students were encouraged to bring items that represented their hobbies. Some brought trains, others brought crocheted goods, cameras, plushies, even Dungeons and Dragons Minis. Afterwards, students and members played UNO until the event ended.

This event was also special as it was #Bringthemhome Shabbat. As a club, we continuously advocate for the release of hostages being held by Hamas in Gaza. It is important now more than ever to advocate for the release of the 130 Hostages in Gaza, their voices will not be forgotten. We pray day by day, night by night for their safe return. #Bring Them Home

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