Hillel wraped up an amazing Fall 2018 semester with a Chanukah Shabbat complete with Latkas and gifts!
Hillel Holds Elections for 2019 Executive Board
At our recent Israeli Shabbat, Hillel members voted for our 2019-20 Executive Board. Our new board is:
Izzy Wellman – President
Matthew Lever – co-Vice President
Alex Rossen – co-Vice President
Max Lewin – Treasurer
Greggory Nekrasovas – Senator
Rachel Levy – Secretary
Our new board will officially take office after a transition period in the Spring semester.
Hillel Hosts Israeli Shabbat
On Friday, November 30th Hillel held our annual Israeli Shabbat.  In addition to playing an Israeli version on Headbandz, our Hillel Chefs made classic Israeli food Falafel with Pita and all the classic fillings (Hummus!!), classic Cheese and Potato Bourekas, and of course Rugelach for dessert!
Hillel Host Game Night!
Hillel hosted game night last Friday.  While eating hoagies and popcorn, Hillel members played “YeahNope” which allowed the members to really get to know each other.
Hillel Holds Second Annual Mental Health Shabbat
Last night Rowan Hillel held our second annual Mental Health night. Several speakers from the Rowan University Counselling Center and Jewish Children and Family Services discussed resources available to students to assist with issues of Mental Health. A speaker from Beautiful Minds, a student Mental Health advocacy club, talked about their organization and events being held on campus to help end the stigma of mental illness, a cause shared by all of us at Rowan Hillel.
The featured speakers of the evening were Hillel President Ally Wasdick and Vice President Izzy Wellman who both talked about their struggles with mental illness.
“Having an event centered around mental health is necessary because mental illnesses affect so many people, including myself. I know first hand how difficult it can be to ask for help or know where to get help, so we at Rowan University Hillel made sure to provide a safe space to engage in a dialogue about mental health as well as access to mental health resources. From our second annual Mental Health Awarenss Night, I hope that students remember three important things: You are not alone. You are strong. And you are worth everything.” – Ally Wasdick, Hillel President
Holocaust Remembrance Night with Selma Rossen
Last night, in conjunction with the Rowan Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Rowan Hillel held Holocaust Rembrance night. After a short service held to commemorate those we lost, we were honored to hear the story of Selma Rossen, who survived the Holocaust while growing up in Poland. A crowd of around 100 people listened to the story of Selma’s family and their survival while escaping the Nazi’s.
Selma is the proud Grandmother of Hillel Treasurer Alex Rossen.
Photos from Holocaust Remembrance Night
Hillel makes Sandwiches for Cathedral Kitchen
Participating in our first service project of the semester, members of Rowan Hillel made peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for Cathedral Kitchen. So much more than a “soup kitchen,” a member of the Cathedral Kitchen team spoke to our students about all of the services provided by their organization.  In addition to serving over 100,000 meals annually, Cathedral Kitchen has a culinary arts program that give training to residents in the Camden area. For more information about Cathedral Kitchen, please visit their website at http://www.cathedralkitchen.org/
Scenes from a Shabbat Dinner
Hillel held our first regular Shabbat Dinner on Friday, September 7.  After a short service led by Vice President and Religious Chair Izzy Wellman, we ate and played games.
Welcome Back BBQ, Burgers and Dogs for All
This Labor Day Hillel hosted our annual welcome back BBQ with fun had by all.  Here’s to a great semester.
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