Spring Finally Kicks off After Week Delay!

After a week delay due to snow, Hillel finally welcomed in the new semester with Game Night. The 2024 Executive Board gave formal introductions to our membership. Students enjoyed a range of fun games from Blackjack to Jackbox setup on the Classroom Projector, Pizza was served and everyone had a good time. Hillel is very excited to start the semester and we are looking forward to great events up ahead.”

Rowan Hillel Kicks of the Year with our Welcome Back Shabbat!

Our Fall 2022 Welcome Back Shabbat was a great way to kick off the semester. Hillel saw a bunch of new and returning faces. Everyone bonded over Pizza from Ciconte’s outside at Memorial Circle. By the end of the event, everyone was in awe of the Harvest Moon. The bright shine was a great way to end the night, and gave everyone a glimpse of the new, bright semester ahead of us.

We are so excited to engage Rowan’s Jewish Community and have a lot in store for the rest of the semester. Thank you to everyone who came out, stay tuned for more events to come!

Hillel Wraps up Fall 2018 with Chanukah Celebration

Hillel wraped up an amazing Fall 2018 semester with a Chanukah Shabbat complete with Latkas and gifts!

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