Hillel Organizes Candle Light Vigil to Remember Victims of Pittsburgh

On October 29th, Hillel, in conjunction with Rowan Chabad and the Rowan Center for Holocaust and Genocide center held a candlelight vigil to remember the victims of the horrific incident in Pittsburgh.  Approximately 200 people attended the event.  Several students and staff spoke about their experiences with Anti-Semetism.  Kaddish and the victims names were also read.

Prior to the vigil a group discussion was held for those who wanted to speak.

A Message to the Rowan Hillel Community about the SGA Org Fair and Yom Kippur

On September 20, Vice President Izzy Wellman and mysel met with members of the Student Government Association’s executive board: President Rbrey Singleton, Vice President Michael Webster, and Student Affairs representative Michael Viola. At this meeting we discussed the rescheduling of the Organization Fair to Yom Kippur, the holiest Jewish holiday, and the conflict that this rescheduling posed to the Jewish organizations on campus. Concerns were communicated and resolutions were offered by the SGA representatives. These resolutions included the introduction of an amendment to the SGA bylaws to make it so no SGA sponsored events can be held on major religious holidays as well as a promise to be more mindful about the days chosen for events to be held on.

We will continue to work with SGA on making sure there is follow through to this bylaws change, as well as how they can further assist us in the future.


Ally Wasdick, ’18
Rowan Hillel President

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