Hillel President Featured in the Rowan Student Affairs Blog

Hillel President, Alexandra Herschman, was recently featured in an article on the Rowan University Student Affairs blog entitled “Thriving In My Faith As A College Student”

“I began going to Hillel as a freshman and loved it ever since attending my first event, which made me eager to join Hillel’s executive board. I started off as the organization’s social media chair, then served as the vice president and now president.” She says that Hillel gave her a sense of belonging at Rowan. “Hillel gave me that Jewish community and sense of belonging on campus.”

Click here to read the entire post.

First Ever Hillel Comedy Night!

Hillel ended the Fall semster on a high note by hosting our first virtual comedy show featuring New York comedian and writer, Noah Gardenswartz. The event was a huge hit as over 45 Hillel members and supporters joined us for a night was full of great laughs! After his incredible stand up comedy act, Noah held a Q&A session for the audience, in which students got to ask questions and further engage with him. This was an awesome way to end Fall semester and we look forward to hosting more comedy shows in upcoming semesters! For more information about Noah, please visit his website at https://www.noahgcomedy.com/.

Rowan Hosts 4th Annual Rowan United

Friday night, Rowan Hillel hosted our 4th annual Rowan United event. The event, co-sponsored by the Rowan Muslim Student Association, is an Interfaith event fostering open and honest dialogue between students of all beliefs, focusing on our similarities. We began the event with an icebreaker to get to know one another and then played a few rounds of the “Game of Things” before kicking off the discussion. The discussion was a huge hit! Some topics we talked about included the current climate of Rowan & the United States, whether we believe people are becoming more divided or unified, how we can promote more unity in the world, and how COVID-19 has impacted our personal lives and the world as a whole. We hope to see everyone at our last event of the semester on Dec. 4th — the virtual comedy show!

Hillel Cosponsors Kristallnacht Commemoration

This evening, Rowan University Hillel participated in a virtual WebEx event commemorating and remembering the anniversary of Kristallnacht, also known as the “Night of Broken Glass”. Run by the Rowan Center for the Study of Holocaust, Genocide, and Human Rights and joined by over 80 participants from Hillel, Chabad, Phi Alpha Theta, and Student History Association. Participants discussed the significance of Kristallnacht on Jewish lives, and what we can do today to educate, inform, and spread awareness.

Hillel Game Night!

This week Hillel hosted Game Night and it was a blast! We first played a Kahoot about Movies, and then one about Brain Teasers which really messed with out minds! Then we played a virtual version of the Game of Things which was a lot of fun and got us all laughing! Can’t wait for another game night just like this one!

Hillel Host Virtual Jeopardy Night!

Last Friday, Rowan University Hillel hosted a virtual Jeopardy event via Cisco Webex with Treasurer Greggory Nekrasovas and Evan Grollman acting as hosts. The participants were separated into teams of two to deliberate and answer all of the questions. Both teams were very even until one mistake turned the tied, forcing the decision of the contest to come the very end for a stunning come-from-behind victory at Final Jeopardy! 

Hillel Hosts 4th Annual Mental Health Awareness Night

Our 4th Annual Mental Health Awareness Night was a huge success! We started the event by having everyone share one positive thing about their day. Then, we turned it over to Michele Pich, who runs the Shreiber Family Pet Therapy program on campus, to talk to us about the role of therapy dogs and the type of support they provide to us humans. We had several alumni talk about their personal experiences with mental health as well. To conclude the event, each participant shared a helpful coping mechanism and/or something that boosts their mood/makes them happy. We are looking forward to another great event on October 23rd — Jeopardy night!

Yom Kippur Break Fast

Rowan Hillel was very excited to hold our first in-person event of the semester — a break fast for Yom Kippur! All food was catered from Shoprite and individually wrapped and given out to each member who came. Masks and social distancing were required. After a brief service, we had a great time socializing in person with our Hillel family. It was great to see both familiar and new faces!

Starbucks and Scavenger Hunt Night!

Who doesn’t love a good Starbucks and Scav Night? Each member who signed up received a $5 Gift Card to Barnes & Noble to purchase their favorite Starbucks drink before our event! After enjoying our delicious drinks, we hopped on Webex where all members competed in a Scavenger Hunt and participated in a virtual version of one of our favorite icebreaker games, “Switch sides if…”. We had a great time and hope to see everyone for our next big event of the month, Mental Health Awareness Night!

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